Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Importance of Workplace Diversity of US Population

Question: Discussion on importance of workplace diversity of US population and globalization of business. Answer: I would like to highlight some important facts regarding importance of workplace diversity that will bring togetherness in the organization. In case of steps of instructional design, it is important for the instructional designers in making sense in abstract learning in the real world application. It lists down designing learning experiences as well as courses and instructional content. Training assessment methods helps in understanding cultural diversity for employee development (Valentine, Mathis and Jackson 2012). It assesses success level for cultural diversity training program like needs evaluation as well as running training sessions and survey conduction. It includes focusing on groups as well as interviews with participants. Cultural diversity training programs mainly aims at allowing employees in recognizing diversity importance at workplace in an effective way. Effective Diversity Training among employees proves success by the survey reports by researchers. It suggests ways for solving diversity issues for accomplishment of both individual as well as organizational goals at the same time. There are environmental barriers like discrimination as well as inadequate preparation in limiting opportunities in way of diverse groups for future analysis purpose (Torrington 2011). Diversity training process helps in promoting social as well as economic fairness as true sense of purpose in increased profits in national and global markets. Tailed training defines success of training programs for employees involving strong support as well as management commitment in the most appropriate way. Human resource development professionals require in making aware the top management on matters relating to productivity as well as profits in an effective way (Dessler 2012). This organization requires in enhancing culture attributes for an effective training program s in relation with specific needs. Diversity training is a continuous process that provides employees with associated skills as well as understanding of work. It involves various values, attitudes as well as beliefs and behaviors. Most of the top strategies include training programs as well as policies for future analysis purpose (Valentine, Sathis and Jackson 2012). Training helps in building awareness for other cultures involving skill training as well as application and support. Effective diversity training integrates for organization in existing educational programs. It trains employees as well as management by accountability methods. Employees get extreme support from diversity as well as inclusion. Employees get to understand diversity goals as well as vision of an organization in connection with overall business objectives. It commits with the process of understanding diversity impacts and success in case of taking initiatives in the near future (Byars and Rue 2011). It requires active participation by employees in engagement surveys as well as responds in open and honest form. It is important to understand the fact that strong diversity management provides organization an edge towards attainment of competitive advantage in global market scenario. Employees with diverse backgrounds give unique suggestions for the betterment of organization (Valentine Mathis and Jackson 2012). Reference List Byars, L. and Rue, L. (2011).Human resource management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Dessler, G. (2012).Human resource management. Torrington, D. (2011).Human resource management. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Valentine, S., Mathis, R. and Jackson, J. (2012).Human resource management.

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