Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week-5 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week-5 - Case Study Example In Islamic religion, it is easy to exploit this form of sympathy among the faithful and turn them into extremists who fight other countries primarily for religious disparity, not oppression2. The first attribute of sacred terrorism is that the act is sacramental. The brutal acts against nonbelievers are allowed by the religion despite the religion denouncing violence. Therefore, the terrorist acting on religious imperatives are not bound by moral constrains. The final characteristic is that the perpetrators of these acts view themselves as outsiders seeking the overhaul of a bad system. This is contrary to secular terrorists that regard themselves as a system that need overhaul3. The above characteristics are linked to Jewish groups, Christian white supremacist groups, and cults. The group alienates themselves from the system they seek to destroy based on religious imperatives. Additionally, they view their actions as sacred despite leading to enormous destruction and bloodshed. Characteristics that exist among the Islamic terrorist are replicated in the three groups mentioned

Monday, February 10, 2020

Jebel Ali Port and Free Zone - Its Impact on Companies Supply Chain Assignment

Jebel Ali Port and Free Zone - Its Impact on Companies Supply Chain Operations - Assignment Example Furthermore, this paper would analyze the costs that the company would incur, in establishing a distribution center at the Jebel Ali Free Zone. The major intention of the creation of the Jebel Ali Free Zone is to provide incentives to companies, so that they may be able to add or create value in their manufactured products (Jebeli Ali Free Zone, 9). These incentives are also given to large transportation companies, responsible for the transportation of cargo. The Free Zone achieves this objective by providing an infrastructure that helps company to efficiently manufacture their products, and also to distribute them. These are supported by other value added services, provided within the Free Zone, and various incentives and proactive marketing. The intention of this free zone is to attract large business organizations for purposes of helping in the growth and diversification of the economy of Dubai. The Jebel Ali Free Zone is the first such organization to be awarded an ISO 9002 certification (Jebeli Ali Free Zone, 2). For the last decade, this free zone has managed to attract a high level of investment, and it currently has more than 7100 companies, all coming from different regions of the world. Most of these companies engage in the manufacturing or distribution of goods that can be used for export or domestic consumption. Global international brands, such as Samsung, Sony, Colgate, Honda and Daewoo have opened manufacturing units in this region, making it one of the fastest growing economic free zones in the world. This paper will therefore provide reasons why our company should consider opening some distribution units at the Jebeli Ali Free Zone. The Port of Jebeli is the largest man made harbor in the world. Due to its large size and efficient delivery of services, the Port of Jebeli Ali has managed to attract a significant number of foreign investments. The activities in this port comprises of 40% of the foreign direct investment that is found in